Fiche cheval hear the drums

R8C5platcourse a conditions 46002meydan (e.a.u)2000M170636jumeirah derby presented by al tayer motors8 partantsdépart à 16:20
14nations prideM3(21)1p1p2pjames doyle/102:01
28sed maaribH34p4p2p(21)0padrie de vries/13 l
35new kingdomM32p(21)1p5planfranco dettori/11 l 1/4
47poster paintH31p6p(21)0pmickael barzalona/12 l
53hear the drumsH30p(21)1p7p1ppatrick dobbs/13 l
66pjerrotM30p3p(21)1p2prichard mullen/18 l 1/2
71al ghaithM34p(21)0pantonio fresu/13 l
2chiefof comanchesM36p(21)3p1p6ppatrick cosgrave/1

R7C3platgroupe iii 46690meydan (e.a.u)1600M127977uae 2000 guineas presented by race of creativity14 partantsdépart à 15:10
Non-partants : 6
13azure coastM3(21)1p1pantonio fresu/101:39
21kieferM43p(21)1p1p1phector lazo/12 l
32quality booneM42p(21)1p1p6pvagner leal/1nez
44bendoogM31ptadhg o shea/12 l
55conglomerateM31p(21)4p8p5pfernando jara/1encolure
6get back goldieM31p(21)9p1p9pwilliam buick/1
613sadaatyM31prichard mullen/11 l 1/2
712rawyM31p2p(21)2pmickael barzalona/116 l
810naderM30p6p6p(21)1pgabriele malune/16 l
914suvorovM3(21)3p2p1proyston ffrench/13 l
109mujeerM34p(21)1pray dawson/11/2 l
118mr kafooM33p(21)3p5p4psaif al balushi/13 l 1/2
1211pjerrotM33p(21)1p2p1pdane o neill/115 l
137hear the drumsH3(21)1p7p1ppatrick cosgrave/16 l

R8C3platcourse a conditions 47698meydan (e.a.u)1400M51191uae 2000 guineas trial presented by al furjan by azizi8 partantsdépart à 15:10
Non-partants : 4
17rawyM32p(21)2pmickael barzalona/101:24
22quality booneM4(21)1p1p6pvagner leal/12 l
31kieferM4(21)1p1p1phector lazo/1cte tete
45mujeerM3(21)1pray dawson/15 l 1/2
53albahrH3(21)1p1p1p1pwilliam buick/1encolure
4hear the drumsH3(21)1p7p1ppatrick cosgrave/1
66night of luxuryH34p(21)3p7p2pgabriele malune/11 l 3/4
78steinarM3(21)1p1pfernando jara/17 l 1/2

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